Little Better You

Parents, entrepreneurs, just women wanting to connect and get the feeling they aren’t alone in this life. I am here to talk about ways you can invest in you. Little things you can do that will make your life better. Nothing is off limits, because I have been working and looking for ways to shift my mind and my behaviors and then the big one, my life to make it into something I can truly be proud of. It hasn’t been easy (read my bio) but every bit of effort I have put into making me better has been worth the investment.

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Use your voice!

Thursday Aug 22, 2024

Thursday Aug 22, 2024

It's a hard choice, between harmony and expression. I have something to tell you: the world needs your voice. Expressing your viewpoint makes everyone better and its makes you better. Dig in and find out why people don't speak up, what the benefits and even words you can use to make the process easier. It's time to create an environment where it's okay to speak. 

Take a chance on you!

Thursday Aug 22, 2024

Thursday Aug 22, 2024

Do you remember kindergarten or one of your favorite grades in elementary school. Growing was about learning, learning the answers to questions you didn't know. Then you became an adult and being an expert was knowing all the answers. If you want to grow in your life, take chances. Be in the space of not knowing and seeking out the answers Take a chance on you- it's the way you grow!

Thursday Aug 01, 2024

I have learned about the power of abundance (and the absence of it) over the last 16 years. When I expect the best from the universe, it delivers and the same is true when I have a negative mindset and I expect the worst. As I am healing, it’s so important to wake up with a positive expectation. This day is mine and it’s a gift and by the end of the day, good things will happen. When I have that mindset, inevitably, the day delivers exactly what I need. It seems so silly, and kind of obvious, that your thoughts can be that powerful, but I promise you, what you see in your minds eye are from your superhero era. If you are skeptical, hang up your misgivings and give it a try. You will be pleasantly surprised!This episode is about what abundance really is and how to capture its essence and bring it into your life. I wish you the best and I can’t wait to hear your stories as abundance transforms your existence.

Thursday Aug 01, 2024

This week was a week for letting my guard down and discontinuing defending myself. Man it was hard and felt awkward and led me to the realization that I have been defensiveness around everyone my whole life. What a waste of energy. I wanted to think of myself as a mature and accomplished person and if anyone suggested that I was different that what I hoped for in my mind’s eye, I put up a wall and walked away, not considering what they were saying to me. Ken always told me, “I’m not attacking you.” And I didn’t think I believed that in the front of my mind but every time he made a suggestion, that is what I felt! He rarely made a suggestion I couldn’t use and after creating this podcast, I regret how much better I COULD have been if I had considered anything he told me. I talked to my sister, Betsy, about this podcast and she suggested I look at Gottman’s 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse. I mistakenly thought it was a book but it is this graphic that is packed with good information. 

Thursday Aug 01, 2024

It's the worst thing you can do. When things aren't going well, compare yourself to a group of people who have one thing in common. They are doing better than you in some way. Listen to Liz describe why we compare ourselves in these bad moments and why it never serves to build us up or make us better. 

Episode 1001- How it all began

Thursday Aug 01, 2024

Thursday Aug 01, 2024

Man I did not expect this to happen. But it did. I had a weird feeling in my chest and then fast forward, I had heart surgery, my heart stopped for 15 minutes. I was resuscitated and then found myself with a traumatic brain injury. The last few years have been filled with healing and testing. I am proud to say I am getting better and I see improvements every day. I don’t know how long it will take to “get back to normal” but I. know I’m here to change my life for the better. God took care of my miracle but now it’s my job to live my best life every day!


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